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How To Get Rid Of Earwigs In Your Plano Home And Keep Them Out

Serving Families Throughout Dallas, Fort Worth & Houston
earwig on potted plant

Most people find the idea of earwigs crawling around your house pretty unappealing. These little critters can be terrible pests, damaging gardens and startling unsuspecting humans. The good news is that they're not dangerous to people or pets. The bad news is that they can be a considerable nuisance and hard to eliminate on your own.

If you're wondering how to terminate the earwigs in your house and keep them from coming back, pest control in Plano can assist you. You can limit the extent of their damage by acting fast to resolve the earwig issue.

How To Identify An Earwig

There are a few ways to identify an earwig bug. The most common way is by their pincers.

  • Color: Earwigs are small, dark-colored insects. The most common colors are brown or black.
  • Size: Earwigs grow from 1/4 inch to one inch long.
  • Pincer: One of the most distinguishing features of an earwig is its pincer. Both male and female insects have these long, curved pincers. The males use them to fight other males for dominance. The females use them to protect themselves and their eggs.
  • Environment: Earwigs are most active at night. They like to hide in dark, moist places during the day. This includes under rocks, in mulch, and in piles of leaves. You can also find them indoors near water sources, such as sinks and bathtubs.

If you get pinched by one of these critters, it's not harmful, but it can be slightly painful. If you think you may have found an earwig infestation in your home, contact pest control as soon as possible. They will be able to help you get rid of earwigs and keep them out.

Why You Don't Want Earwigs Hanging Around Your House

Aside from the ick factor, you don't want earwigs in your house for a couple of reasons. They damage gardens, and they are a nuisance.

If you suspect you have earwigs in your home, speak to a pest control firm. Despite not being a direct threat to humans or pets, earwigs can be a real problem if left untreated. In most cases, pest control will be able to get rid of earwigs and keep them from coming back.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of An Earwig Infestation Fast!

The best way to get rid of an earwig infestation fast is to call a pest control company. Most pros will quickly and discreetly get rid of the earwigs in your home. Experts have built a wealth of knowledge on how to eliminate earwigs and will be able to resolve your infestation quickly.

How To Prevent Future Earwig Problems In Your Home

There are endless brands of earwig repellent on the market, but how do you know which one will work best for your home? The truth is the best way to keep earwigs away is to make your home less attractive to them.

Here are a few tips:

  • Seal up any cracks or gaps in your foundation or exterior walls. Earwigs can squeeze through tiny spaces, so make sure there are no openings for them to get inside.
  • Remove any sources of food or water. If you have a leaky pipe or faucet, fix it as soon as possible. Earwigs are attracted to moisture, so eliminating water sources will help discourage them from coming inside.
  • Keep your house clean and clutter-free. Earwigs like to hide in dark, moist places. If you have a lot of clutter in your home, it provides more opportunities for them to find a place to hide.

These practical tips will help you get rid of earwigs and keep them out. But, if you're still having problems, contact All-Safe Pest & Termite.

We use safe, EPA-approved products and have over years of experience dealing with earwig infestations. We'll target all the stages of an earwig life cycle to ensure they're gone for good.

Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation.

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