How To Completely Get Rid Of German Cockroaches In Your Plano Home
German cockroaches are the most common type of roach in the country, and they can run rampant in Plano. Here's what local residents should know about how to identify a German cockroach, why they're dangerous, how to get rid of cockroaches, and the most effective form of cockroach control with pest control in Plano.
How To Identify A German Cockroach
While there are many cockroach species in Texas, the most common type that residents will encounter in their homes is the German cockroach. They're not as big as American cockroaches, but German cockroaches can still grow over half an inch long. As the most common house-infesting roach, they're certainly not shy about invading Plano homes or seeking out available food and water.
Most people recognize German cockroaches in the house by their light brown or tan coloring, with two darker stripes running parallel across their backs. Like most other roach types, German cockroaches do have wings – but they're not great fliers, and they prefer to run if they can.
Besides their physical appearance, here are some telltale signs of a German cockroach infestation:
- Droppings: Even if you don't see live roaches, you may still find evidence of their presence, like their droppings. Cockroach droppings tend to look unique and may resemble tiny specks of pepper, coffee grounds, or even dirt. Droppings tend to be located around areas of high roach activity.
- Finding dead roaches: While living German cockroaches may be nocturnal and most active at night, dead roaches are often easier to find. If you do find a dead roach, you may be able to identify whether you've got German cockroaches based on their markings and size.
- Musty odor: It's not always obvious with small or early German cockroach infestations, but these pests tend to leave behind a strong, musty odor when they invade homes. The bigger the infestation is, the more prominent the smell becomes.
- Discarded egg casings: German cockroaches lay their eggs in ootheca or egg casings. Each casing can hold close to forty roach eggs, and once they hatch, the case gets discarded.
If you're seeing cockroaches or evidence of their presence, it's time to take action.
Why German Cockroaches Are Considered Dangerous
Are cockroaches dangerous? While no roach is sanitary or healthy to have in your home, German cockroaches can be especially dangerous for Plano homes, and here's why:
They Are Unsanitary
German cockroaches prefer eating decaying organic matter, which is why they tend to spend a lot of time in sewers, drain pipes, and garbage cans. They like to reproduce in these conditions, but they also can pick up harmful pathogens and bacteria. The most common bacteria spread by German roaches include salmonellosis, dysentery, staphylococcus, and streptococcus.
They Trigger Allergens
In addition to spreading bacteria and disease, German roaches can also trigger allergies and asthma symptoms in many people. These allergens get introduced into the air when German cockroaches contaminate your home with their saliva, shed skin, and fecal matter. As an infestation grows, these symptoms will also tend to increase.
Why It's So Hard To Get Rid Of German Cockroaches
Unfortunately, German cockroaches can be extremely resilient, and once they've made it inside your home, they're not always easy to eliminate. Cockroaches are excellent hiders and do well at evading danger. Even if you manage to find some of these pests, the ones that survive will likely just relocate to a better hiding spot. They're also fast reproducers, with a single female roach laying almost forty new eggs at once.
What's worse, these bacteria-ridden pests can become resilient to pesticides. Even if you do manage to find a chemical or product that works, these toxic pesticides could be putting your family or pets at risk in the process.
The Most Effective Cockroach Control For Your Home
Over-the-counter German cockroach treatments aren't just ineffective, but they may also be toxic to small children and pets. Rather than risk your family's safety for treatments that won't even get the job done, the best way to get rid of German cockroaches is by working with All-Safe Pest & Termite.
If you suspect that you have a German cockroach or another type of roach infestation in your home, these pests will only get worse unless you address the problem. Contact us today at All-Safe Pest & Termite to learn more about how our cockroach control services can be helpful for your Plano home.

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