What Are Spiders?
Spiders are predators that feed on a variety of nuisance insects, other spiders, invertebrates, and small vertebrates – helping to control their populations. Spiders are not insects, but arachnids, and are related to ticks and mites. All spiders have eight legs, two body parts, and fangs (chelicerae). Spiders also have pedipalps, which they use to produce silk to build webs, line their burrows, or wrap their prey. They also use these strong strands of silk for climbing and to mark a path to and from their nest.
Described below are three species of spiders that live in the Dallas area:
- House spiders — House spiders vary in color but are usually yellowish-brown. Their abdomens are round, and they have distinctive dark chevron markings on their bodies and legs. They are common invaders of homes and other structures.
- Black widow spiders — Black widow spiders have round, shiny, black bodies, and eight thin legs; when extended, their legs reach a length of about 1-1/2 inch. They have a red, hourglass-shaped mark on the underside of their abdomens, and may or may not have light red or white markings on their abdomens and backs. Their eyes are arranged in two rows of four.
- Brown recluse spiders — Brown recluse spiders are yellowish-gray to black. These spiders have gray hairs covering their abdomens, and their legs are a darker color than their bodies. They have a distinctive violin-shaped pattern on the top of their bodies. Another unique feature is their three pairs of eyes arranged in a semicircle.
Spider Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are spiders dangerous?
Spiders have venom that they use to subdue their prey. Whether a spider is dangerous depends on if its venom is strong enough to create health problems in people and if its fangs are big enough to puncture human skin. Most spiders, including house spiders, are harmless and pose no significant health risks to people.
Brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders are examples of dangerous spiders that live in the Dallas area. Their fangs are strong enough to puncture human skin and their venom is potent enough to create serious health problems. While a bite from either species is serious, with proper medical attention symptoms are very manageable.
Why do I have a spider problem?
Spiders are on your property or inside your home because it’s providing them with ample sources of food (insects) and shelter. Gardens, tall grass, woodpiles, shrubs, bushes, and trees attract both insects and spiders to a property.
Where will I find spiders?
Spiders live outside, but unfortunately, they regularly find their way inside homes, garages, sheds, barns, and other buildings, while following their prey or looking for suitable shelter. Outside, brown recluse and black widow spiders build their irregular-shaped webs at ground level. House spiders place their webs above the ground in trees, shrubs, bushes, and tall grass. They also build webs under roof eaves, inside doorways, and under decks.
Inside, spiders hide under furniture, under sinks in bathrooms and kitchens, closets, attics, and basements. Spiders are reclusive by nature and choose to nest or burrow in spots that are away from a lot of activity.
How do I get rid of spiders?
Locally owned and family-operated, All-Safe Pest & Termite is the best choice to get rid of spiders from your home or business. We offer fast response times and peace of mind knowing that your pest problems will be solved, and they won’t return. Our experienced pest professionals provide top-quality pest control services using the latest and most effective products to eliminate spiders from Dallas properties. Discover why your neighbors choose All-Safe Pest & Termite for their pest control needs. Give us a call today!
How can I prevent spiders in the future?
Prevent problems with spiders by partnering with All-Safe Pest & Termite and by implementing the following prevention tips:
- Eliminate entry points by sealing cracks in the foundation, exterior walls, and roofline.
- Place door sweeps on all exterior doors.
- Place mesh covers over vents leading into your home.
- Replace torn window or door screens.
- Place weather stripping around all exterior windows and doors.
- Seal spaces around air-conditioners and utilities entering your home.
- Clean up piles of wood, leaves, and other organic debris from your yard.
- Keep garden areas from overgrowing.
- Trim back shrubs and trees from the exterior of your home.
- Keep the grass cut short.
- Replace white outdoor lights with yellow or LED lights; these bulbs are less attractive to insects.

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